Sunday, October 31, 2010

What's Wrong, What's Right, What To Do?

Survival at all costs? Take down anyone or anything that's in the way, as long as you come out on top? And while you're at it, take down anyone or anything just because it's there? Do as much damage as you can while you're here, before you get taken down yourself, because you know you will be? That is the common psychology, isn't it? Of the perpetrators, that is. Then, there are the victims. Some have foreseen the entropy and tried to prepare, so you kill them and take what they foresaw and what they worked for. . .because that is your way. Not only that, you wouldn't know what to do to keep what those you have just killed going, so you take what's there and move on to the next victim. . .until your time comes. When you can face those you forced to suffer on equal terms. Where you no longer have power over anyone in any way.

Have fun when you get there. After all, you are your OWN problem, and not mine. You NEVER will be my problem. I have already walked away from you.

The tipping point arrived years ago, but the slant of the spout has just gone a little closer to 45°. It can and WILL go to 90°. . .eventually, if you know what I mean by the analogy.

Personally I'd want to die with a clear conscience. Ultimately, that would be of utmost precedence in my book. It eliminates a few less mundane problems. Like being compelled to stay on the wheel of reincarnation to fix what you messed up the last time? Unless you really like being on the 'prison planet'.

Now that I have this new thing to think about, I suppose I should be glad for it. After all, it is implied my self-induced pain-in-the-arse sojourn will be a bit shorter than what I planned. I just wish I could remember why I was so stupid as to ASK for it. Will I remember, or will I be told before I go back to where I belong?!

Or will I have to get there, first?

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