Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Equality Of All

I speak not of everyone, but EVERYTHING. All is from the same Source, everything is equal on a subatomic level, yet we treat each other, other species, and things like garbage. What really hurts me it to see an animal abused. Spoken from one who's seen a cat wail for missing another, and one wanting to be spoon-fed over and over again to verify that he's loved and appreciated. To see a canine or else risk his or her life to save their care-taker, and how many have hugged a stallion, and were cheek to cheek with him for an extended period, frozen in motion? Those who are around horses realise they toss their heads a lot, but he knew. . . There is a mourning when a member of the herd, flock or pack is lost. It is accepted, for it happens; but it is acknowledged. The animal kingdom is more like human kind than most can imagine. I consider them superior in so many ways, because they have not been corrupted unless humanity goes out of their way to corrupt them.

More respect for plants might be nice, too. There's a lot more to them than most will care to know. The primaeval conscience that crosses planes, and that can be oh so helpful IF you can figure out how to get through.

There was a time when everyone knew this. When the soul of the one eaten was prayed to and thanked for its sacrifice so another may live. Now this is all but gone.

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