Sunday, October 31, 2010

Remind Me To Buy A Flame Thrower

Beats shovelling snow, I'd say. All three of us got on it. For the effort, we'd go to town later and have a feast at one of our favourite Asian eateries. And tomorrow, we'd eat out again, after gangin' up on the house. Well, part of it, anyway. We sealed off the six unused rooms which we'd deemed superfluous, and took the lived-in three rooms apiece. Two bathrooms, kitchen, bedroom, living room, library, studio, lounge, and foyer. We ignored the snow covered balconies of the upstairs bedroom and lounge. They were reinforced, and wouldn't collapse. It wasn't too bad a weekly ritual.  We had very few knick-knacks or decorative dust-collectors. We'd finish in about three hours, then party.  The stable was more of a bitch, though even that was way easier than what most had going, considering the way we had it set up.  

We'd always include some take-away chicken for the cats, and if we ordered East Asian; usually Chinese, we'd buy a couple of large boxes of mixed veggies for the two ponies and the horse. It's not much for them, but the equines do love the stir-fry.

It was going to be an expensive week, but it wouldn't kill us.

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