Sunday, October 31, 2010


A little moment in paradise. Alone. Just to sit there in the dark, looking out the window with a cup of tay in hand, watching the rain come down. Not a care in the world. A purring cat in your lap. Why does anyone want more?! Why do so many go to so many extremes to complicate their lives as much as they can? Why do people go out of their way to make themselves as miserable as possible?

I used to, but I can't identify with that any more. I wonder if I was what I was due to my former intrinsic nature, or due to external programming? Probably a combination of both.

Stupidity and youth do seem to go hand in hand. It generally takes time to find yourself again after being wiped clean. Some never do. I wish I could say it wasn't my problem, but people are so good at making themselves other people's problems. I guess it's in the job description.

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