Sunday, October 31, 2010

Ye Gods!

One of my short story volumes DID get a hit from Saudi Arabia.  Israel, too.  Two of the most indoctrinated cultures of the world.  

When will the people be cut loose of the forced illusions?

No, I'm NOT holdin' my breath.

If I do catch on in Saudi Arabia, will I be banned or have a fatwa put on me, I wonder?

Yeah, riiiiiiiiight.  I'll catch on there when it snows in Death Valley in July.

They'll ask what planet I'm from.  Well, me personally. . .this one.  My ancestors. . .that's another story.  They landed on a Beltane, though.  Hmmmmmmmmm!  Wonder if we'll celebrate it this year, and if so. . .how?

I didn't used to think much of it.  Oh, the music and the food was good.  I used to get a wee bit of mead, which I rather liked; but for the most part, in my younger years I thought everyone acted kind of stupid at those gatherings.  That did encourage me to do my best to avoid ever getting drunk, not that this was too difficult.  I tolerated wines and ales, rather than liked them. Everything I was given with alcohol was generally watered down, anyway.  I was more into fruit juices, milk, buttermilk, and the herbal tays.  Water was all right, but I generally preferred that straight from the frigid streams.

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