Sunday, October 31, 2010

You're Never Too Old To Get Your Mind Blown

You get called in for breakfast, and what do you find?!  Uh. . .veggie pot stickers with sesame- chilli oil over them, but not enough to send my Irish pallet to the ceiling, a heavily buttered, warm piece of bread with garlic baked in, or should I say breaded butter, considering the ratio of butter to bread, and um. . .sheets of teriyaki seaweed.  OK, that got a double-take out of me. Then I had a cup of tay. Lapsang souchong.  I had no idea what to expect, being I'd never had it before.  Talk about shock!

It reminded me of the smoked meat I used to have when I was a statistical shaveling (,not that I retained the ability to grow a beard, considering I don't like them) , before I became a non-vegan vegetarian.  Hey!  Don't even THINK about asking me to give up my cream and butter, chocolate, and cheeses.   I like eggs, too, so. . .

Anyways, I didn't quite fall out of the chair.  I did end up liking it after a few cups, but smoked tay was an unheard of concept for me prior to this experience.  The rest of the breakfast wasn't bad either, but ye gods it was weird.  Not as weird as the time my favourite mullethead moulded a tofu-mushroom-veggie loaf into something of a baby effigy before cooking.  Olives for eyes, carrot piece for nose, red bell pepper piece for mouth.   AAAAARRRRRGGGGHHHH!

I had her make the thing on the platter unrecognisable before I could eat it, and even then I had a few queasy moments.  Considering all the cannibalism jokes I have to put up with, I should have been waiting for that stunt, but that was easier to deal with in theory, than reality.

Around here, you never know what to expect.  Not that this is always a bad thing.  ;^) 

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