Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Infernal Credit Card

You see something.  You can't afford it now, but with this little piece of plastic, you can have it now.  For a price.  Interest!  So instead of waiting until you can afford it, you get the object now to pay quite a bit extra for it.

What is credit card interest?  How much interest do you get if you keep your money in a credit union or bank?

I'd probably have to do multiple posts on this one if I really got into it, because blogger doesn't give me enough room for what it would take for all the insults I have on the intelligence; or lack there of, of individuals who do this. 


Hmmmmmmm!  This blog is beginning to remind me of the 16th volume I will never consolidate.  I suppose that's what it is.  A mish-mash of everything.  I suppose I could rearrange it, depending on what goes, and put all the poetry here, all the stories there, all the random thoughts somewhere else. . .

But I won't.  That's a threat AND a promise.

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