Sunday, October 31, 2010

Donn Ui'Midir 'Ere, Sort Av

Never luk at death in de seem way again!

Dead on, De Xanon Chronicles are complete...somewhere else. Oi transferred dem 'ere, an' dat transfer made de formattin' non-existent. That's also de way 'tis gonna stay, unless sum day Oi git pure, pure bored.

Oi 'ope yer damn Yanks can understan' dis, cause quite frankly, Oi'm boke av compromisin' meself. An' since dis site is millin' me an' not respondin' ter me commands roi nigh, Oi guess Oi 'av ter put de list av volumes wi' links on dis page. Or yer can luk at me profile, an' sort through de 'ames. Also, nigh sum av dis stuff is adult content, so watch yisser sprog, 'uh?

An' 'ill yer still respect me after yer read it? Well, it don't matter none ter me, since most av waaat Oi wrote aboyt didn't 'appen; so don't git yisser 'opes up either, 'uh? (heh-heh-heh.)


(What Revelation Never Told You)


(Life With Thanatos)

(The White City)

(The Second Time Around)

(The Akashic Castle)



(Our Demented Poetry Collection)

(A Lot of Love, A Little Hate, A Little Philosophy, and A Few Questions)

(The Gate Keepers’ Archives #1)

(The Gate Keepers’ Archives #2)

(The Gate Keepers’ Archives #3)

(The Gate Keepers’ Archives #4)




Ah, an' if yer clap lashings av black, scroll down. Dis tin' didn't transfer worth a shoite.  Or in plain fookin' English, the spacing sucks the big one; thank you, Blogger for not allowing a decent copy/past from my MS Works file.   You're gonna have a bunch of blank space between some sections, and you're gonna have to scroll down a LOT!  PHLLLLLPPPHHHHHTTTTTTT! 

And no, I didn't write the whole thing in Irish dialect! I 'ken' (A word I didn't use much, until recently. I generally say 'nu'.) I can't if I want to get my tales across. Now will I write more? Aye, but no more books. And may I also say that all stories on this blog, after this post were writ AFTER my series. It's like a continuation, and it would really be nice if you read the above BEFORE you read what's after this post, to be more 'clued in' on what it's all about. Like would ya watch part 2 of the 1960's Batman episodes first, or watch Flash Gordon in random order? Sheesh! This is a SERIES written in part like a stream of consciousness thing. I admit my short stories are better than the main series, but the main series is entertaining if you are OPEN MINDED. (It might also help if you're Irish, or Greek, or Pagan, or 'alternative', or emo, or Goth, or you hate life, or you're an iconoclast, or if you want your brain scrambled. . .oh, you get the idea.) After all, I do go all out, no holds barred if no one gets hurt, OK? We all do!

Oh, and one more thing! Don't ask me any stupid questions. In fact, don't ask me ANY questions, considering I don't 'technically' exist, OK?????????

I Lied! Two more things!

Ah, an' if yer want me series in audio, yer can go ter De Gothic Writers' Guild. Naw, 'tis not me readin' it. Me voice is 'igher, me accent is Oirish, an' Oi blather lashings faster. Also, any formattin' errors or missed chapters are not me fault, aye?

De lass who owns dis site might git it straightened oyt wan day. If not, Oi forgive 'er. She's a pure jammers lady, an' yes; dis is free. After al', waaat chucker Oi nade wi' nicker? Or shud Oi say, 'After all, what do I need with money'?

Am I drivin' yer crazy yet? If not, give it time! I already had one lad say about me, 'e didn't know whether 'e wanted to drown me or make me 'is butt monkey, though not in that order!  Ye gods, as if! Me two's wan too many! Sometimes two too many!

Oh, an' bein' this is non-profit, feel free to copy it to your own personal files. Just don't claim it as your own. If you do, I'll track you down and sue you for a nose hair coat from your own nostrils! I have a mucker who wants wan, I mean one. Damn, switchin' dialect is a pain.

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