Sunday, October 31, 2010

Read The News Today, Oh Boy

All right! I think I'm all for moving the equines back home. After all, they will still be spoiled rotten even if we aren't there.

Read the links, and have fun:

There's more, but hey! Check out the sidebar on the left of blacklisted news. That about covers everything worth reading. Ignore the mainstream media. Nothing but lies and equivocations.

Rock on everybody, in all parts of the world, of all cultures.

The likes of Ragnarok appears to have manifested in the Physical Plane. It's gonna get worse before it gets better. Wayyyyyy worse, but it's always like that for the trip-reset. Then the phoenix is reborn. . .to die again. The cycle goes on. . .until you individually get off the wheel.

With this stint I'm doing now, I will have spent a total of about 19 odd years here. The rest of my time was spent out of time, so that can't be measured.

This is enough, thank you.

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