Sunday, October 31, 2010

Damn, It Was FRIGID!!!!!!

The stable room furthest from the house where the equines had been encouraged to relieve themselves was absolutely freezing. Mucking, hosing the floor, and taking the mess to the compost heap was torture. Of course the room that was connected to the house wasn't bad. The radiator heater was by the shared wall, and it was on high, not to mention the top half of the door was open, but still.

After their brushdown, I blanketed them lovely steeds, and I made them each about four litres of oatmeal with apples, pears, and few nectarines cut in. I served it sort of hot, but not enough to burn them. After they finished that, I cleaned their bowls and made them chamomile tea with honey, and poured it into their bowls after it cooled a bit. You could tell they really appreciated it.

When I took my shower, I ended up doing one of those stints where I sat in the full tub after cleaning up, with the hot water from the shower running over me. It was a little late to run the hot water out, but there wasn't anything pressing happening to day, and the other two could wait.

This morning, I left breakfast for them to make.

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