OK! I already wrote in a previous blog I'm about as metro as they come. I don't give a flyin' feck ('Fook' is more for across the Irish Sea and a wee to the north, though I use both fook and feck about equally thanks to the dialect mixin' mullethead.) about stereo-types, I know what I like, I know what I hate, and I go in accordance with my tastes. I like bubble baths, I like snugglin', milk chocolate with hazelnuts, and I'm glad I have the genetic background to look decent. I also like my hair long, and the only place I want hair is on my head, over my eyes, and so it is.
Anyway, earlier the mullethead was brushing my light-red mane out as I sat on the edge of the bed, not quite in a state to be seen in public. (I am DYED in that picture of me, as I said before. I only did that ONCE, and there was a reason for it. And being 'Closure' is NOT a work of fact in the remotest sense, it was NOT to seduce a non-existent person called Lucy Verona.) Her unmodified self, five-inch armpit hairs included; was raggin' on and on about how chicks are programmed to be these vain, superfluous, high maintenance bimbos. . .as I got sporadic caresses here and there, relishing my own unfurry, and unmarred skin.
I continue to sit there, somewhere between contemplating the cross-wired information I'm receiving of her verbal contempt of what I've done to myself, yet her show of appreciation of what I've done to myself, and wondering if I should just tune her out and enjoy where this is going to end up.
Well, I found I COULDN'T tune her out. In fact, a lot of what she said was true, and it's not like I spend any time on the waxing table. I didn't have to. My unwanted hair was gone for good, not that I was a terribly furry one to begin with. At least not when I was the age to have made my decision to kill my roots.
As I was drawing to a close of just bein' able to sit there, quite obviously interested in moving on, she says, "But don't get me wrong. I love what you've done with yourself, and I'm totally behind you on how you got there. Might do it myself some day, but I have to thank you for one thing!"
She drew it out. She didn't say what that one thing was. Eventually I just had to ask "And that bein'?!"
"You kept you NOSE HAIRS!"
Well, I got what I wanted right after, but. . .
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