Society seems to discourage it. "Ooooooh! He/She's WEEEEEEEIRD!!!!!!!!!" Parents don't like it. They get asked too many questions they can't answer. They don't like bein' challenged by their 'property'. They also might be proven wrong in their thinking, along with society in general.
Well, I have a question. If society is soooooo riiiiiiight, why is the world soooooo screeeewed up? This cesspool that was once a beautiful planet was made by the MAJORITY. Don't just blame the corporations and the banksters. WHO GAVE THE CORPORATIONS AND THE BANKSTERS THE POWER?????!!!!!!!!! YOU played the game. You bought their stuff, took out the loans, supported all the wrong things. I wouldn't even call you a piece on the chess board. More like a checker. All the same, except for the colours of the two opposing sides. Black or red is common, I think. I hate board games with a passion, and I can't remember; it's been so long.
Some of them have all the solutions to solve the world's problems, but they would be killed if they tried. It would rock the messed up status quo, and we can't have that, can we? Gotta keep 99 percent enslaved to the other 1 percent, and the majority gotta make sure they keep themselves down as much as possible. Isn't that what the public school systems indoctrinate everyone to do? Isn't that why home schooling gets a bad rap by governments? Can't have a bunch of rebels on their hands who can actually see what's happening, huh? Can't have people exist outside the illusion and get uppity and try to change things, can we? People like this:
or this:
There's a lot more, but time is time, ya know?
Oh, give me the nonconformist! The iconoclast! The WEIRDO!!!!!! The one who does things differently. The one who goes against the trends. The trail blazer. The one who not only walks to the beat of a different drum, but who has his/her own band. They do on many an occasion make me THINK!!!!!!
Of course they also make me cringe every now and then, but I'm not sure I want to go there just now.
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