Sunday, October 31, 2010


To know you have it. To know you can use it to destroy whilst in a state of the acme of hatred, yet to still be able to sit on it and do nothing. To be simply satisfied with the knowledge that you can 'press that red button' any time you choose, and also knowing you may never do so. You may leave your former antagonists to the gods, or to themselves; though they will face the promise of exile from your worlds. . .your so astoundingly beautiful, peaceful worlds FOREVER.

Then again, if you move to vengeance, those old antagonsists may find our more than you want them to find out. In some ways, their ignorance is your bliss. You are aware of this, and laugh.

What a paradoxical state of bein'. So right, for all the wrong reasons, yet so wrong for all the right reasons.

Keep workin' with me, baby. You'll get there eventually.

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