Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Lowest Common Denominator---NOT!!!!!!!!!

Ye gods! Why do people refer to it as that? Oh, to explore, and appreciate every nanometre of the one(s) you adore more than yourself. (Especially if one is hotter than the alleged big bang, but in reality that's just icing on the cake; even if he's not innately quite the right gender, though it doesn't matter anymore. Not that it ever did as far as sheer aesthetics were concerned, but you know what I mean.) To enhance the experience with the most delectably scented oils, and incense burning on the dresser. To take forever, and be thankful you have help so you can pause to witness the rapture on the passive party's face as they are taken to the other side of sanity.

Of course BEING the passive party is OUT OF THIS WORLD!!!!! Especially considering there was never any pain or the remotest discomfort even the first time, considering the first love of my life really knew what he was doing. Of course, things had to be explained to me before I did anything like that, but apparently I got it, since I have yet to recieve a complaint.

Then to pass out for a while, snuggled up with both. I suppose that's the ultimate experience in this realm. I have a faint recollection of better things on the Otherside, however. To know the other's thoughts. Their motivation. Their actual feelings of love. I almost get high just thinking about it.

Sorry. No intense graphics. (If ya want graphics, read 'Closure', but that's the last volume of the series, dammit!) But because of the title of this, I'm gonna get 20 hits a day for the next month, even though it REALLY ISN'T WORTH THE READ, IS IT??????!!!!!!!!

Go figure.

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