Sunday, October 31, 2010


Existence here.  Get up, spend time on the computer, take care of the equines, take a shower, is it my turn to make breakfast?  Have some discretionary fun, something between lunch and dinner, clean the stables, more discretionary fun, second shower, computer, bed.  Then there's one day a week where we clean part of the house, and go to town to eat, then shop.  When we're snowed in, we spend time clearin' that out if we have to go somewhere.  When there's no snow, there's some grass than has to be cut once a week.  Not a bad life, really.  It could be worse. Much worse.  But it could be better.  I didn't appreciate the suspense, and I wouldn't miss the housework.

What if I find another volume on The Guild in a week or two?  Because of what happened, I'm almost expectin' it.  I'll probably have to be cleaned off the walls and ceilin'.

The news has sure been interestin'.    I wonder why I chose NOW to come here?  The world as a whole hasn't been in such a volatile state since the sinking of Atlantis, and all that.  I guess I was bored?  The one who knows ain't tellin'.  When I ask, I may get a finger gently down my nose saying to let me know is cheatin', sometimes I get a hug, and sometimes more.

Sometimes. . .uh. . .I think I'm done here for now.

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