Sunday, October 31, 2010

I Caught The Dawn This Morning

Not a cloud in the sky. I was going for a ride today. Maybe I'd go double with the mullethead on my mentor's horse, and let the pony walk with us, or my mentor could ride one of the ponies, and let the other walk with us. I'd see.

This morning I'd be making breakfast. I was in the mood for a veggie and mushroom omelette, and that was what we were going to get, not that anyone would mind. Spinach, mushrooms, tomatos, red bell peppers, shallots, and garlic. Tons of butter, garlic powder, black pepper, paprika, Italian herb mixture, and dill. It would be topped with parsley and Kalamata olives, and served with tofu sausages, buttered crumpets. I'd also squeeze a bunch of oranges, and what's breakfast without tay?

We considered ourselves 'chefs' rather than cooks. Most of our meals left the restaurants in the dust, not that we even bothered with European eateries. The only thing that measured up were the Asian ones, be they Oriental or subcontinental. We couldn't resist East Indian food, though I prefered the stuff from the North, which was a little milder. Though we didn't eat it, but the cats loved tandoori chicken, and we'd always get them a half a chicken when we went. It would be gone in two days.

What was funny is that the mullethead didn't really like to cook, but despite that; she was damn good. She didn't put as much artistry in the visual aesthetics, but her projects were excellent in the taste department. What was hilarious, is that she never measured anything. She just threw in what looked right, and it worked. Though I must say, she had slightly different tastes from me in some departments. I swear, after I had a taste of her salsa, they had to get a ladder to get me down from the ceiling. Me and habaneros don't mix too good, but I am working on it. My mentor loved it, though.

This was going to be a fun, kick-back day. Tomorrow, the mullethead would mow the lawn, and my mentor and I would give the stables a real scrub down.

I also prayed to every deity in the Pantheon Volume #4 would go up next weekend. It wasn't going to happen this weekend, from the looks of it.


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