Sunday, October 31, 2010

Finally, The Rain Is Back

It's coming down hard, too. I'm wondering if maybe I'd like to go for a slow ride in it. Walk the lovely pony I serve through the muddy trails, and then spend a long time cleaning him up, giving him a warm hose down with soap, then grooming him for an hour after I dry him off.

Sure. I'll see if anyone else is crazy enough to join me.

We've all been spending more time with the equines, considering we'd be losing their company in about seven weeks or so.

Hmmmm. Beltane was coming up. Perhaps an extra lunch-dinner in town to celebrate? There wouldn't be any point to anything else. Trust me!

Other than that, I'm feeling pretty nondescript. I'm on day four of my short story, and I've never spent so long on one before, but like Hell I'm going to submit it to The Guild this week. I want Volume #5 up, dammit! If it goes up this weekend, I repeat myself, but I'm going to make February 15, 2012 the official target date of getting out of here. I must admit, I'm still happier than a freshly creamed cat over having already knocked a month off the original alloted timeframe.

But who knows? I have decided we are going back home one day after the final volume is up. My mentor will take the cats home after Volume #14 goes up. Again, provided we don't have to bail out sooner from increasingly volatile activity down here. We don't have to take any shoite, and we won't. That's a guarantee. And if we are forced out by circumstances, I have declared that I will go, and not look back. I will never have anything to do with this place again, in any way, shape or form. I will quit then and there, and cut myself off from my past completely, including the series I have left here.

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