Sunday, October 31, 2010

Another Wet Day Of Moderate Temperature

The equines love this. The go out and play in the rain. Sometimes they'll roll in the mud. When this happens, we clean them off after they come inside. We have the water in the stables connected to the water heater. We're not going to run cold water over the animals in the winter. We hose down the guilty party, dry him off, and give him a quick brush-down. Most of the time it might happen a couple of times a week. There are occasions when it may happen to the same animal twice in a day, but that's only happened twice. It's not that time consuming, but it is an unwanted distraction.

Some times I feel like I'm a horse and pony slave.

Then there's the cats. They're even worse.

Oh well. What can you expect from demi-gods. No matter how many times they reincarnate, they never get Egypt out of their system.

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