Sunday, October 31, 2010

San Francisco

Or should I have titled it 'Frisco', considering that upsets so many people? ;^)

Never been there, and not plannin' on goin'. Seen pictures. Interesting, overcrowded sardine can. My favourite mullethead has been there. Used to go all the time as a youngster of twenty something. Stopped going after she had a run in with a cop of questionable intelligence. So much for spendin' two or three hundred there a day when she'd done a lot of overtime. Oh well.

Anyway, apparently the place has a rather odd culture. She told me if ya make a pass at someone, it's a good idea to first ask if they have a gender, second what that gender happens to be, and third what kind of plumbing they have.

OK. I don't make passes, so I don't have to concern myself; but looking at said favourite mullethead, I can almost understand the reasoning.

And after I told 'er of this post I am about to make, do I get slapped upside? NO! I got thanked!

What. . .ever!

Then again, considering what I used to look like when I was less than 20. . .and if even now I TRIED to look like a chick. . .uh. . .

Never mind!  I can't argue.

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