Sunday, October 31, 2010

Must Keep People Asleep

Must not let anyone know anything about anything. That seems to be the primary function of government and the church. How long will it be before they make meditation illegal?

They're so afraid that if people really find out the truth about exitence. . .that there is so much more to it than life, that they will lose the control that people gave these forces over themselves.

Well, it's true. They would. But tradition just won't allow it. The people themselves hold themselves back. They're so fixated on playing the game as it is, they don't even WANT to wake up, for the most part. That's why so many mind expanding plants are illegal. ( ) Though some don't need mind expanding drugs. They found out everything they needed on a near successful suicide, though I can't really recommand that sort of thing. In fact, I'm inclined to try and stop it. . .unless it is one of those occasions where a person decided before they were born, that they were going out that way. It happens. And yes, they do become rather difficult, if not impossible to control. Some of them say to Hell with everything, and they become about as different from the herd as you can get. If everyone else does it, DON'T!!!!!!!!!!

Kind of makes sense. Seems to eliminate a lot of problems by not playing the sheeple games. It also gives you the complete freedom to be what you intended yourself to be. You are what you are, and why should someone's opinion of you matter? As long as you're not in politics or a media whore, anyway. Even then. . .

Yes, must keep people focused on physical existence. Must indoctrinate them into believing there is nothing mor important than that. Survival at any cost, for what's next? Nothing, or a wrathful god that will send you to Hell.

Well you know what HELL is?????????? IT'S YOUR OWN FECKIN' CREATION!!!!!! YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR OWN EXISTENCE. YOU CHOSE YOUR TRIBULATIONS BEFORE YOU WERE BORN, AND YOU CHOOSE WHERE YOU WILL GO AFTER TRANSITION!!!!!!!!! YOU CAN CHOOSE A WONDERFUL WORLD, OR YOU CAN CHOOSE A WORSE VERSION OF WHAT YOU JUST GOT OUT OF!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What comes next is whatever you expect. The Bhagavad Gita even said that. It's far older than your corrupted bible, and it makes a lot more sense. Maybe you should READ it some time.

But of course, you don't HAVE to listen to me. After all, I don't even exist. The Tuatha de Danann are only of legend. I might as well be The Flying Spaghetti Monster.

Hmmmmmm. Sound like an easy job. Maybe I should apply?

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