Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Mass Animal Die Offs Of 2010/2011

Awwwwwwww.  Now we can't kill them for profit!!!!!  Isn't that just too bad.  The oil spill and the Corexit are poisoning the fish, so the fish can't be exploited and killed by people, where they're dragged onto the boats in nets, suffocated, and Hell knows what else.  Then there's the livestock that froze to death, which might be a better way to die than in a slaughterhouse, where they might not be dead or even UNCONSCIOUS when rendered.

WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE???????!!!!!!!!!  Great values you have, human race. Anything and everything for money.  Hence your planet is such a mess.  You're committing suicide for money.  Even if I could, I WOULDN'T STOP YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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