Sunday, October 31, 2010

A Good Day To Think Things Over

Snow in my part of the woods. Nothing critical to do today. I wrote another short story last night, and I'm not really too thrilled with it. The beginning was kind of funny, but it went on in the usual way. Poor, psychologically messed up girl gets mind turned around in upper class household after being shown there's a better way of existence than she was used to, not to mention a better class of individuals to associate with than she knew.

I'll sit on it for a day or two, then transfer it here if I don't mind it too much. I don't even know why I'm still writing these things unless something real innovative comes to me. This might be the last one, unless I can come up with something new.

I look at the calendar. February 28, 2011. I have 11 volumes to go, and 12 and a half months to get and see them published. Like I said a couple of times before, my publisher is really ahead of the game. It blows me away. I managed to knock a month off my intended stay here, and thanks to Karen; I'm still in some mighty comfortable territory. True, the last volume took a month, but I didn't lose any ground on the stuff that she had up early before that. If she gets Volume #5 up before March 15, give or take a day, I am going to knock another month off my planned stay, though again; it is now a private game, considering I will probably hightail it out of here a bit sooner, considering the state of the world, and just let everything take care of itself, or not. After all, I did what I felt I had to do for this world in toto. I'm just here now for my own slightly neurotic reasons. And it's not really that bad, though I do know how much better it will be after I get home again.


It looks like the land I was born to may not let me down after all. It seems like Ireland may follow Iceland in declaring herself independent of the vile, usurous banking system. The biggest threat of Islam is the concept of bringing an end to that.

Speaking of Islam, people really ought to get to know the difference between the religion, and local cultural customs of the countries that have adopted the religion. Yo, and you Christians! Remember The Crusades, The Inquisition, and the witch burnings of Salem, and all that? Judaism has a pretty nasty past, too. Oh, then there's the Thuggees of Kali, and a few Pagan deities here and there that were given human sacrifices, but hey! For those who condemn the other, look into your own past, huh? In fact, look at your own PRESENT!!!!!!!!! How much blood do your people shed today? The U.S. is the absolute WORST in absolute numbers. Gods, and how much damage does the artificial state of Israel, and I ain't no friend of The Vatican. The puppetmaster who pulls the strings on others' destruction without lifting a finger themselves.

They should all be disempowered.

Well, they are now so being. . .though so damn slow. One nation at a time. And while we're on this track of thought, look up Saladin (Salah al-Din ibn Ayyub)! The perfect Muslim, who happened to be a Kurd, by the way. If all people were like him, the world wouldn't be having too many problems right now. But they aren't. so. . .

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